Phylogenetic tree of Arabidopsis Signalling Peptides

The phylogenetic tree presented here encompasses a detailed analysis of signalling peptides belonging to diverse families in Arabidopsis thaliana. Families such as LTP (Lipid Transfer Proteins), GASA (Gibberellic Acid Stimulated Arabidopsis), RALF (Rapid Alkalinisation Factor), and others are represented. Newly identified peptides from these families were incorporated through extensive data mining in recognised databases like NCBI.

Dataset and Approach

The dataset includes a broad collection of small signalling peptides identified in Arabidopsis. The construction of this phylogenetic tree involved the classification of peptides into their respective families based on sequence similarity and functional motifs. Key families highlighted in the dataset include LTP, RALF, GASA, CLE (CLAVATA3/ESR-Related Peptides), PEP, and ECA1 (Early Culture Abundant 1).

Insights and Applications

This phylogenetic tree offers crucial insights into the evolutionary relationships and functional dynamics of signalling peptides in Arabidopsis:

  1. Family Organisation: The tree clusters peptides into distinct families, providing a clear view of their evolutionary proximity and divergence.
  2. Novel Peptide Integration: Newly identified peptides are placed within existing families, enabling functional hypotheses based on their relationships with well-characterised members.
  3. Functional and Evolutionary Insights: Conservation of specific motifs highlights functional importance, while divergent sequences suggest specialised adaptations or novel roles.

Highlighted Families and Examples

Examples of peptides from key families included in the phylogenetic analysis:

  1. LTP: AT3G08770.1, AT1G18280.1
  2. RALF: AT4G14010.1, AT4G13261.1
  3. GASA: AT3G10185.1, AT4G09600.1
  4. ECA1: AT3G45275.1, AT5G34905.1
  5. CLE: AT2G27250.2, AT1G73965.1